Monday, May 17, 2010

The House that Built ME

It's the title of a new song by Miranda Lambert and it speaks volumes to me as we prepare to move into our new house this week. While we are all very excited to be starting a new chapter and giving Jackson the freedom and accessibility our "old" house could never provide, this is a hard time for me for a number of reasons. First, I have a very hard time letting go---I cried when I sold my Ford Festiva! And secondly, this house holds so many memories for our journey with Jackson. This is the house my husband hand sanded the floors of his baby room in. This is the house I was pregnant in. This is the house where Jackson came home to. This is the house where he said his first word (mama), ate his first food (butternut squash), where I made all of his baby food, where he rolled for the first time, where we did OT & PT too many times to count, where he WALKED for the first time, where he fed himself for the first time, and where we all learned so many lessons. We close on our new house in just 3 days and as my hubby told me this morning "the new house will be the first one he runs in!"

It will be tough to leave, we take the memories, but this is the house that built him for the first 3 years of his life! And where I learned about being a mommy and a wife!