Tuesday, August 7, 2007

A Whole Bunch O' Stuff

Please forgive the multiplicity of this post. But I have a lot of stuff to get in.

We had a great time in Dallas and learned some really great things and meet some really wonderful families! One of the therapies we learned about was kineso taping, which is a type of sports medicine. We are currently taping Jackson's middle finger and thumb out and he seems to be getting a better grip. While in Dallas, we also got to paint with Jackson's feet---I am not sure he liked it a lot, but his feet are on the picture for next convention! And anyone who knows Jackson's mommy knows that if she is within a few miles of a Shipley's DoNut she is going, so Jackson had his first trip to Shipley's! And Daddy got to check out the Cabela's or as Mommy calls it the "Man Mecca"...dad is patiently awaiting the opening of the Gonzales store.

We have also spent 2 weekends at Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw (Heckert's) swimming with our friend Braden and his mommy (Kodi) and daddy (Brad).

We are enjoying spending time with another family that is similar to ours. and the boys simply love each other. And I swear that if you see the look in their eyes when they are together---they just "get" each other.
On another note, I joined a bible study group that Kodi (Braden's mom) is a part of and I really feel like it is going to be a very positive experience for me. See ya'll soon.

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