Monday, October 29, 2007

Testing the Stander

On Thrusday at therapy, we got to try out the stander. Jackson LOVED it, so much so that when it came time to get out, he threw a royal run away---so I guess pretty soon I will have a standing Prince! You can see the joy in his face and the relief in our PT's! Gayla has been working with Jackson since he was 5 days old and she could have not been more proud then at the moment she put him in the stander and he did so well and neither could I! He is doing so great and is a real trooper. We should be hearing about our new AFOs and stander sometime this week. I will keep ya'll posted. Meanwhile, keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

All our love,


1 comment:

Kellie said...

The whole blog is so cute. I hope to soon figure out this whole internet thing and do one soon.