Tuesday, August 14, 2007

You are my Hero

We had a pediatrician appointment this morning and when I got to work, George (a new faculty member) was in the hall with is son, Ethan, who is 5. George said hi to me and told me his relocation paperwork was with David (office admin. assistant). I said, yeah, I’ll get it from him; we had a pediatrician appointment this morning.

George says, oh, just a check up and I told him yeah, you know you have to go a million times in their first year of life…to which he responds, you have a new baby. I said yes a 6 month old. I proceed to tell him about Jackson’s Arthrogryposis (because I was showing him pictures). He looks at me and simply says “You are my hero”.

I never set out on this journey to be a hero---and I certainly don't see myself that way, I am simply a mother taking care of her child, just like millions of other moms out there. We may do things a little differently, but I am just a mom taking care of a beautiful and joyful 6 month old. If anything, Jackson is my hero---that kid is a trooper! And he has such a good disposition. Still, what George said was just one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me.

We got the go ahead for solids, so we start with rice tonight...be sure to check back soon for an update on that.



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