Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My "Other Family"

About 2 years ago and when Jackson was not even 6 months old, Jon and I loaded Jackson in the car and drove 6 hours to Dallas, Texas for the 2nd Annual Arthrogryposis Multiplex Cogenita Convention; it was our first meeting of many families I had talked to on the internet since Jackson's diagnosis in utero. Tomorrow, we will board a plane and head to the 4th Annual AMC Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. If you know me, you know I hate to fly, but I couldn't miss seeing my other family and the opportunity for Jackson to excel at something different---in the past 2 years at conventions, Jackson has learned to hit a ball with his head, throw a ball, straighten his right leg and drink from a sippy cup.

So, tomorrow, we will load our amazing 2 year old on a plane and head to what has become our annual trip to see all those who inspire us over and over again. I can't wait to see them and to see what Jackson learns this year. There will be tears shed, but there will be more happy than sad. 

1 comment:

Hua said...

Hello Doris,

Hope you had a great time in AMC convention in Philadelphia. I would like to read more about the convention!

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