Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"We live by faith, not by sight"

Funny how things can catch you off guard sometimes! I am sitting here tonight, after researching Spinal Muscle Arthrophy until my eyes hurt last night just playing around and looking at shopping sites, when I ran across a necklace that said this very quote. Very funny, God! I needed that. I have faith that God led us on the path to TX Children's in our search for more answers for Jackson and our family and that He put us here today. I have faith that there is a reason there was an early opening at the MDA clinic. But sometimes, I question why, when I can't see a clear answer. Thanks, God---I needed that to remember to live by faith!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

He is RISEN!!!

What a wonderful and fulfilling Easter we have had!!!! We began our Easter weekend with an Easter egg hunt at Healing Place Church. The place was AMAZING and God's presence was felt by our family! Jackson had a blast and to see the other children willing to give him their Easter eggs during the hunt did my heart wonders! HPC even provided hair cuts for mom's and I partook in it and have a new fabulous doo!!!! On Sunday, we got up and saw that the Easter bunny had made a stop to our house and then we went to Easter mass----it is always one of my favorites, but our 3 year old did not make it through the whole service----but it was beautiful none the less! We came home and had both our families over for boiled crawfish! It was a great time shared with our family, including our "adopted" family Kodi, Brad, and Braden! Everyone got a full belly and had a blast!!! Jackson played with everyone and was in bed by 8 and asleep by 8:05!!!! What an amazing God-filled Easter weekend!!!