Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas is Coming

I can't believe it is already Christmas Eve, we are busy preparing food for tomorrow's lunch with my mom. Daddy is still in the hospital, so please keep him in your thoughts and prayers; it is a sad moment in such joyful season, but I know that we will get thru it. Jackson is excited to see what Santa brings as is mommy. We got letter from Old St. Nick himself yesterday, it says the elves are working on a choo-choo table for Jackson, I bet if he gets it he will be so excited! I have said it before, and I will say it again, I LOVE CHRISTMAS, always have but to see it thru the eyes of a child makes it even more special. And to see it thru the eyes of a child with different abilities is truly a miracle in and of itself. I can't wait to see him rip thru the paper on all his gifts, to put baby Jesus in the manger at church this even and not even need my help (well maybe to make sure baby Jesus gets in the cresh, but not to help him hold it). As I write this he is rolling on our living room floor and I am making sure he doesn't take ornaments (or as he calls them balls) off my tree, last year it was even a thought, I am simply in awe of how far he has come. And really if he takes an ornament off the tree I will be so happy I won't know what to do!

In other news, we went to therapy on Monday and he is so close to walking, with a shopping cart---doesn't like the walker, but loves the shopping cart---once he figures out his center of gravity and balance he will be off in no time!

Enjoy this wonderful season with your family, friends, and neighbors; I know we will. Remember the true reason for the season and see Christmas thru the eyes of your little ones, it will AMAZE you.

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